Mytest V. cholera Ag
One Step V. cholera Antigen detection test
Mytest V. cholera Ag is Screening test for detection of V. cholera Ag in human faecal specimen in order to diagnose V. cholera infection.
No culture needed.
No need of sophisticated technique.
No more time consuming.
Easy and clean test procedure.
No need of sophisticated technique.
No more time consuming.
Easy and clean test procedure.
Package Information
For in ~ vitro diagnostic use only
Store at 2 ~ 40 C
Kit Contents:
Each foil pouch contains:
1. Mytest V. cholera Ag Device individually foil pouched with a desiccant.
2. Assay Diluent.
3. Package insert (instruction for use).
1. Mytest V. cholera Ag Device individually foil pouched with a desiccant.
2. Assay Diluent.
3. Package insert (instruction for use).
Technical Support / Customer Service:
For further information or assistance, or to report problems, contact your distributor, or Biofootprints Technical Support / Customer Service at: +91 11 40042855 or e-mailing on sales@biofootprintshealthcare.com