Mytest Syphilis Dipstick

Mytest Syphilis Dipstick
Mytest Syphilis Dipstick
One Step Syphilis Antibody detection test


Mytest Syphilis Dipstick Test (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema Pallidum (TP) in whole blood, serum or plasma to aid in the diagnosis of Syphilis.


One Step visual Rapid Test.
Detects IgG, IgMand IgA antibodies.
Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity : 100% (in correlation with other available test).
Suitable for field use.
Room temperature storage.

Package Information

For in ~ vitro diagnostic use only

Store at 2 ~ 40 C

Kit Contents:

1. Mytest Syphilis Dipstick Test contains following items to perform the assay.
2. MyTest Syphilis Dipstick Strip: contains test strip is individually foil pouched with a desiccant.
3. Assay Buffer.
4. Package Insert.
Technical Support / Customer Service:
For further information or assistance, or to report problems, contact your distributor, or Biofootprints Technical Support / Customer Service at: +91 11 40042855 or e-mailing on